Friday, October 28, 2011


i have been trying to sketch something during the day ... just simply sketching something. anything and without much structure to myself. just pencil to paper. sometimes it turns into something i feel i want to add color to and other times i want to crumple it up and never look at it again. here are a couple recent sketches that i have added color to.. and the rule with that is also, simple. play without much structure. try something you don't think you will like - something that makes you uncomfortable.
that's how you grow or gain another point of view.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


i have always enjoyed sewing and home goods. i have always enjoyed color and shapes and lines and texture. i have always hoped to some day have my work licensed for textile/home goods/paper goods. i may attempt small runs through spoonflower. i am starting to work towards adding some printed fabric to my immediate goal of shop goods that i offer. i have been creating some pattern work designs intended for that purpose but are also available as prints when the new shop opens. here is two of my favorites :

i will be sharing more soon!

Monday, October 24, 2011

a simple little love

a new piece i just finished ... and it makes me happy. i enjoy doing simple work that is hinted with feeling.

a friend of mine made a small comment once, "your artwork makes me happy", and that was the best thing he could have ever said. just a simple statement that made me feel so wonderful. and right. i just want to make stuff that makes people happy. putting a smile on someone's face, putting some warm in their heart - that is what i hope to do with my work.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

welcome + hello!

short little intro -

i am moving things around a bit in my life. for the last handful of years i have been focusing on my fiber works, hands+notions, where i spin yarn and make batts and provide fibery goodness to fellow fiber artists. i have loved most every moment of it and have been so happy and lucky to meet so many wonderful people and make some truly special friends. i got to spend my days playing with color, dyeing and spinning and creating... but there was always something in the back of my heart that kept trying to burst out. it was my inner little self trying to scream out that i wasn't attempting to follow my dream. i wasn't chasing after my star with as much force as i could have been. i was letting it grow dim. so for fear of it fading before my eyes, i have now started to walk down a whole new path that i have waited so long to tread.... art! illustration! doodles! paper goods! prints! fabric! oh my!
i will now be trying so very hard to be who i have always wanted to be, a better part of me! one who is trying to live her everydays doing the thing she loves the most, drawing! and hopefully connecting with people through images of lines + color.
i am sure there will also be some crafting, stitching + yarn - because i do love those too! please feel free to come back and visit.. pay no mind to the simplicity of things right now. i am just getting started!